Friday, March 01, 2013

From the Netherlands to America

This is a video which I happened to watch in Youtube this morning. 

Another video describing the cycling culture in Holland.
In this video, some informative facts are explained: from how the Dutch got their cycling habit to the technicalities behind the engineering of bicycle ways in Hollands.

Since I have experienced it myself, I completely agree that Holland is definitely a perfect place to bike. It is really easy and convenient to get from one place to another by bike within cities. Aside from the advanced cycle ways, the relatively cool and clean weather makes cycling even more easier and even enjoyable. 

Like many other major cities in the world, system of transport as a means of getting people around is becoming one of the issues highlighted by governments in formulating their policies. Some cities are struggling in solving problems of transportation, while some other "survived" the complexity. From the video and from what I have experienced, I conclude that the cycling system in Holland is a good example of a good cooperation between government and community in solving transportation problems. And another point is that this particular policy has not only been a win-win solution for both sides, but also guaranteeing the environmental sustainability. 

Maybe something to consider for improving the system of transport in Jakarta?